Sunday, July 8, 2007

July 8, 2007

We didn’t get to go visit Robert today because it’s Sunday. Sunday visitation is another thing that has changed since we were over here for Russell. Last time we got to visit on Sundays and it counted toward our bonding period. Since we couldn’t go to the Baby House Anastacia was going to find a church for us. Evidently she forgot and we couldn’t get in touch with her yesterday so, we had a wide open day.

We ended up walking around the city for about three hours. We had a good lunch at Guinness Pub (thanks for the recommendation Shannon). Chuck tried the fish and chips and I had chicken puff pastries. Then we headed to the Ramstore, think Walmart on a much smaller scale, and bought a couple of books in English.

I haven’t figured out how to do photo captions yet so I’ll have to explain the photos today. The first is of the Green Market. That’s the flea market type shopping place. And the other is off a painted camel sculpture. They’ve added these around the city much like Pensacola did with the Pelicans.

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