Thursday, September 13, 2007

He's Here!

Our day finally arrived yesterday. Robert joined our family! He and Oleyssa arrived around 9 p.m. last night after a long trip. Oleyssa said Robert was very good on the trip and he loved the plane. He was a real trooper at the airport. He let Russell hug him, A LOT, right away, and after a few minutes he let Chuck and I hold him. When we were getting ready to leave the airport he did break down in tears, but who could blame him. It’s so much for a little one to take in.

When we arrived home we put the dogs and our cat in the bedroom because he was scared. Our dogs and cat are a little overwhelming. Oleyssa said he was a afraid of her cat but not her dog when he spent the night with her.

We tried to get him to eat but all he wanted was a little yogurt. Of course Russell was talking to him the whole time trying to get him to play. We had to keep explaining to Russell that Robert just doesn’t understand us yet.

Then it was time for bed and he started crying. We all decided it would be best if Oleyssa didn’t help put him to bed so he wouldn’t get too attached to her. He eventually cried himself to sleep. I slept upstairs in the boys’ room in case Robert woke up. He woke up crying four times. The first three times I was able to get him to go back to sleep but the fourth time he was really screaming and crying. I think it was because it was about five in the morning and he was just ready to get up. By the way, Russell slept through all the crying. Of course, he slept through hurricane Ivan, too!

When we got up we took him outside with us while we took the dogs out. He was a little leery of them but now he seems fine as long as he’s sitting up away from them. He’s actually looking at them and smiling and laughing right now.

He and Russell where laughing it up this morning after breakfast. They were really having a good time. Robert went with me to take Russell to school and they both handled it just fine. Now Robert is chattering away at me and I have no idea what he’s saying. Oleyssa is still asleep. I’m sure she’s worn out.

I can’t believe the day we’ve waited on for over two years has finally arrived. We can now start our true journey with Robert as part of our family. Thanks to all who have helped us out in the very many ways and thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. I’ll update the blog about once a week for a little while to let you all know how things are going.

Best, Nancy, Chuck, Russell and finally Robert


Phyllis said...

I'm so excited that I'm at a loss for words. My grandsons are beautiful. Our family is so blessed. I can't wait for the day that the two of them are in my arms. John would like nothing better than to jump in the car and head for Pensacola right now, but we know that Robert will need some time to adjust to all the new people. I'm so glad that you're keeping up the blog! Send pictures!......Love, Nana and Grandpa

Kae Jehle said...

Don and I are so happy for the Young family of four!!!
Can't wait to see Robert running down the aisle at the Cathedral with Big Brother Russell.
Congratulations and God Bless.